Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Moving on up...

...and over to our new site! Please find us now at We will now use that site as our family blog, with frequent photos and updates about our adventures, achievements, milestones and minutiae. Please continue to stop by and visit us! Thanks!

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Happy 4th Birthday, Reed!

Four years ago, a little four-pound person arrived in our lives and taught us the meaning of unconditional love. Every day you make us laugh and fill us with pride as the best son and big brother! Out of all the little boys in the whole-wide world, we'd pick you...every time! Love you, Reed!

Having a Ball!


Reed, Willa and their parents spent the very sunny Sunday after Reed's birthday party exploring his new toys, including a very awesome sandbox digger from Garrett, and recovering from the "Wild West"!

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Rootin' Tootin' Reed Luton!

Rootin' Tootin' Reed Luton had his 4th birthday party last night at our house. Friends and family gathered for a Wild West celebration with panning for gold, horseshoes, rattle-skedattle (rubber snake toss), pony races with the hobby horses, and a horse-pinata! We dined on pizza with blue cheese dressing (Reed's favorite) cut into the shapes of cowboy hats and boots and finished with mini-cupcakes including chocolate-cherry, another one of Reed's requests. Although the day was overcast and rainy, the sky broke for a beautiful early fall evening and we had dry weather all night. This was very important because we had borrowed a bouncy house from friends and, of course, doing the "Holstein Hop" in the bouncy house was the main attraction! Reed is already planning another "cowboy party" for next year!

Sunny Days and Sunflowers!

Reed went to one of his best buddy's birthday parties last weekend and really wanted to bring a bunch of sunflowers to the celebration...of course, once we arrived in our sunflower patch, Reed was distracted by anything and everything except sunflowers! We did manage to pick a small bouquet, along with a few ears of corn, some rocks, a couple of sticks and three rubber bands. All in a days work when you are three years old...

Thursday, September 13, 2012

An Apple a Day...

...and lots of time to play! That seems to be Reed and Willa's mantra lately. Apple season begins here in late summer and with so many wonderful local orchards, such as our favorite Navarino Orchard, right down the road, apple picking becomes part of our local afternoon adventure rotation. Here are some photos from a recent trip!

Starting the Morning Off Right

Willa often begins her days with a hearty breakfast of oatmeal and fruit. She loves this meal and is actually becoming a neater eater! The ratio of food on her face to food in her tummy is even slowly shifting :-)

Friday, September 7, 2012

Last Taste of Summer...

We all shared a juicy, sweet melon grown here on the farm last weekend on a sunny afternoon. It was right before Reed and Willa's mommy went back to work to begin a new school year. Reed will be starting again at Jowonio very soon, Willa is enjoying spending more time with her grandparents during the day, and Reed and Willa's daddy continues to burn the candle at both ends as he balances family, friends and farm with creativity, grace, endurance, and a good sense of humor. Here's to a great summer filled with wonderful family memories and milestones...looking forward to the new season of fall colors and tastes, cooler weather, and more memories and milestones for Reed and Willa!

Monday, August 27, 2012

Polka Dots and Stripes

...This little girl is not only very clever, strong, and smart. She is also cute enough to pull-off mixing patterns. Who would have thought that dots and stripes could look so good?